Former assistant professor.
Former research assistant professor.
Former associate professor.
Former Ph.D. student and post-doctoral fellow.
Former Ph.D. student.
Former Ph.D. student and post-doctoral fellow.
Former Ph.D. student and post-doctoral fellow.
Former post-doctoral fellow.
Former post-doctoral fellow.
Former post-doctoral fellow.
Former visiting scholar.
Former Ph.D. student.
Former post-doctoral fellow.
Former post-doctoral fellow.
Former post-doctoral fellow.
Former post-doctoral fellow.
Former Ph.D. student and post-doctoral fellow.
Former Ph.D. student.
Former Ph.D. student.
Former Ph.D. student.
Former Ph.D. student.
Former Ph.D. student.
Former Ph.D. student and post-doctoral fellow.
Former Ph.D. student.
Former Ph.D. student.
Former Ph.D. student.
Former post-doctoral fellow.
Former Ph.D. student.
Former Ph.D. student.
Former Ph.D. student.
Former Ph.D. student.
Former Ph.D. student.
Former Ph.D. student.
Former Ph.D. student.
Former Ph.D. student.
Former M.Phil. student.
Former M.Phil. student.
Former research assistant.
Former research assistant.
Former research assistant.
Former research assistant.
Former research assistant.
Former research assistant.
Former research assistant.
Former visiting student from Sichuan University.
Former visiting student.
Former visiting student.
Former research assistant.
Former visiting student.
Former visiting student.
Former Ph.D. student and post-doctoral fellow.
Former Ph.D. student and post-doctoral fellow.
Dr. Shaun Purcell, Dr. Benjamin Neale and Dr. Tao Li were influenced and supervised by Prof. Pak Sham before he moved from the UK (KCL) to HKU.
For over a decade, the Sham lab have been an active part of the HK Spine Cohort (Disc Degeneration Disease) team under LKS faculty of Medicine, HKU. Other PIs in the cohort include Prof. Kathryn Cheah, Prof. Danny Chan and Prof. Kenneth Cheung. We are also working closely with the lab of Dr. Dora Yan Zhang from Dept. of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences, HKU on aspect of methodology development.